Pueraria Lobata (Kudzu) Root Extract

CAS Number(s)

Pueraria Lobata (Kudzu) is a free-growing vine. Young leaves, flowers, beans, and tubers, when eaten, create an alkaline environment in the stomach. Kudzu is native to China and Japan and prefers well-composted moist, well-drained soils in sunny positions. Frost resistant but drought tender deciduous perennial vine.

The medical use of Kudzu dates back over 2000 years to China’s first medicinal work, the Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing, where it is stated as a plant that nourishes constitutional types. Traditional Chinese medicine was recommended to relieve “wasting and thirsting symptoms” (or diabetic symptoms), fever, vomiting, and non-specific intoxication, among other complaints. Pueraria Lobata has been used as an anti-intoxication agent to treat alcohol-related problems as early as 600 A. D.

The powdered root is an ingredient in fine cuisine, used as a thickener in drinks, savory dishes, and sweets. In addition, the juice of the root is a remedy for hangovers and may cure alcohol addiction. Other uses include; a source of Nitrogen in the garden, erosion control, mulch, and excellent animal fodder.

Modern research has identified the phytoestrogenic properties of Kudzu accomplished by the plant’s isoflavone constituents, puerarin, daidzin, and daidzein. In addition, thanks to its anti-aging properties, Pueraria Lobata root extract is a valued ingredient in skincare formulations. Abundant in flavanoid isoflavones, Kudzu roots extract leaves potent antioxidant, mild estrogenic, and skin whitening effects. It also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory actions.

The most significant anti-aging effect of Pueraria Lobata root extract leaves thanks to its double action on dermal fibers. First, it boosts collagen and elastin production. Second, it suppresses enzymes responsible for the destruction of that fibers. So, this youth elixir fights against almost all factors of skin maturation, leaving it firmer, smoother, with even complexion.


Pueraria Lobata Root Extract
Pueraria Montana Var. Lobata Root

Ingredient products

Biologique Recherche
Biologique Recherche

Interesting facts

Kudzu (Pueraria lobata) is a perennial, leguminous vine. It was introduced into the United States from Japan at the turn of the century. In 1972, the US Department of Agriculture declared kudzu to be a weed because of the vine’s fast growth which destroys valuable forests by preventing trees from getting sunlight. Kudzu is commonly called mile-a-minute vine, foot-a-night vine, or the “vine that ate the South”.

It is used for making kudzu blossom jelly and syrup, and paper. There are many tasty dishes such as deep-fried kudzu leaves and kudzu quiche. Kudzu vines can be used to produce baskets, wreaths, furniture, and cloth products. Potentially valuable material is the root starch for medicinal and food markets. But fodder (leaves, roots, vines), fiber (vines and root), chlorophyll (leaves), and tannin (roots and vines) could also supplement income. Kudzu is ideal for the control of soil erosion problems including coverage of mine spoils and denuded areas that will not support other plants.