Ginseng (Panax root)

The word "Ginseng" (Panax root) means "the wonders of the world." Accordingly, Ginseng extract is said to be beneficial in treating everything from nervous exhaustion, indigestion, asthma, diabetes, anemia, and impotence to stimulating the function of brain cells and improving visual and auditory acuity.

Some research claims Ginseng is an "adaptogen," a substance that protects against physical and mental stress. Hence, it increases physical endurance and is used in the Olympic training diet.

Ginseng can be used in reactivating and wrinkle creams for the skin. It is also excellent in hair tonics and shampoos and as a skin balancer in lotions, masks, and moisturizing creams.

Common name(s)
Panax Quinquefolium
American Ginseng

Plant ingredients

In Asia, Panax (means ‘treating all’ in Greek) is considered to be the most valuable plant among all, and its root called Ginseng became famous worldwide.