Chamomilla Recutita Extract

Skin conditioning
Hair conditioning
CAS Number(s)
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Chamomile (Chamomilla Recutita or Matricaria Recutita) tea has been a popular remedy throughout the ages. It is legendary in literature, popular nursery rhymes, and fairy tales.

The tea Peter Rabbit's mother used to soothe his aching head is still a classic remedy for calming nerves and relieving indigestion. Herbalists Dioscorides and Pliny recommended baths or poultices of chamomile to relieve headaches and disorders of the kidneys, bladder, and liver.

Chamomile has been used in flavoring liqueurs, perfumes, shampoos, special tobacco, and hair rinses to add "sunlight" to hair and accentuate natural blond highlights. In ancient Arabia, it was used in bath products as a calming agent and was massaged into the body to reduce rheumatic pain.

Chamomilla Recutita Extract is a light to medium amber liquid with a characteristic odor. It is used in hair care products to add sheen and highlights or combined with neutral henna to add golden highlights to dark hair.

Thanks to its soothing qualities, Chamomilla Recutita Extract is helpful in skin care creams, moisturizers, lotions, and bath products.

Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Extract
Matricaria Chamomilla Whole
Matricaria Recutita Extract