Black Walnut

Black Walnut (Juglans Nigra) is also known as American walnut. The tree is one of the most sought-after native hardwoods.

The tree grows in small natural groves and is frequently found in mixed forests. It thrives well on moist alluvial soils.

Black Walnut has been heavily logged for its fine, straight-grained wood used to make furniture and gunstocks. The nuts from black walnuts have long been used for food and medicine.

The tree's bark and the nuts' shell are also used for many purposes. Walnut pollen is a common allergen. Ellagic acid and juglone are being studied for use as cancer therapy drugs.
Common name(s)
Juglans Nigra
Jupiter’s Nuts

Plant ingredients

Black walnut (Juglans nigra) products have a history of medicinal uses. American Indians used inner bark tea as an emetic and laxative.
The Black walnut (Juglans Nigra) is a large tree with dark glossy leaves.
The rind of the green fruit of Black Walnut (Juglans Nigra) has been used to treat ringworm, tetter, and diphtheria.