Carnitine Isomerized Linoleate

Carnitine Isomerized Linoleate is a conjugate of L-Carnitine with linoleic acid, a lipolytic, energizing, and anti-cellulite ingredient. This slimming agent delivers a notable reduction of body fat and the development of thin mass.

Promoting fat-burning during physical activity, Carnitine Isomerized Linoleate is an ideal and safe ingredient for anti-cellulite applications for the reduction of fatty tissues and improvement of the appearance of "orange peel" skin. It leaves a draining effect, making the skin surface more compact.

In addition, Carnitine Isomerized Linoleate is a source of L-carnitine that raises sugar-burning efficiency, while lessening a relation between lactate/pyruvate, with a consequential growth of energy levels for cells. It boosts enzymatic activity in the Krebs cycle (cellular breathing) increasing energy production, reducing pain in muscles and fat buildup.

Energizing agent