Pineapple Extract

Skin conditioning

Pineapple (Ananas Sativus Fruit) extract is a fresh extract made from organic pineapples. This fresh fruit extract brings the bioactive properties of pineapple to skincare formulations.

Ananas Sativus Fruit Extract is an organic skincare ingredient that promotes skin elasticity, removes dead and damaged skin, improves hydration, and promotes more elastic and clear skin. It also adds sugars (sucrose, glucose, and fructose), enzymes (bromelain), and AHAs (citric and malic acids) to organic skincare products, rejuvenating the skin and having an anti-fungal and purifying effect.

Pineapple is a natural source of bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme that digests proteins and has an intense anti-inflammatory action. Bromelain hydrolyzes proteins and digests only the dead cells on the skin's surface, leaving living cells intact.


Ananas Sativus Fruit Extract
Ananas Sativus (Pineapple) Fruit Extract
Pineapple Ceramide
Ananas Sativus Ceramide

Pineapple Ceramide

There are different kinds of plant-derived ceramides, such as those from rice, konjac, corn, or mushrooms. Ceramide from pineapple (Ananas Comosus) contains a higher content of glucoceramides than any other fruit. Pineapple ceramide is extracted not from juice but from the residues after the squeezing process, making it an eco-friendly ingredient. It has unique functions, such as skin lightening and maintaining skin structure, in addition to the well-known function of moisturizing. In Chinese nomenclature, it has a separate listing: (Ananas Sativus), Pineapple Ceramide.

Like Ascorbyl Glucoside, Pineapple Ceramide inhibits melanin production, providing a lightening effect. It also stimulates the proliferation of fibroblasts and increases the production of profilaggrin/filaggrin, transglutaminase-1, laminin-5, and collagen-1 essential proteins for appropriate skin structure and barrier functions. In addition, cells enhance the healthy structure of the skin.

In addition, Pineapple Ceramide increases the expression of genes responsible for hyaluronic acid synthase-3 and aquaporin-3 production. These are key moisturizing factors in the epidermis and increase the influx of water molecules into the cells.