MMP inhibitors

MMPs (matrix metalloproteases) are enzymes responsible for the destruction of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins such as collagen, elastin, laminin, fibronectin, etc.

Alterations in collagen and elastin, the major structural components of skin, are the principal cause of skin wrinkling and the loss of elasticity. As we get older, collagen synthesis decreases, and matrix metalloprotease enzymes levels get elevated in human skin. This collagen deficiency due to natural skin aging may arise from its reduced synthesis with a concomitant elevation of MMP expression. Ultra-violet light enhances the synthesis of MMP in human skin in vivo, and MMP-mediated collagen destruction occurs in photoaging. Therefore, restoration of the collagen deficiency in aged human skin by the stimulation of new collagen synthesis and by the reduction of MMP presents a possible strategy for treating and preventing the clinical manifestations of skin aging, namely, wrinkles and skin elasticity.

If one would like to go beyond collagen and elastin, then a whole range of biological processes need to be looked at for a superior anti-aging strategy including MMP inhibitors. One needs to rejuvenate skin cells at both the epidermal and the dermal layers, increase the levels of proteins in the dermal-epidermal junction, up-regulate cell adhesion molecules, protect the rejuvenated cells and cellular activity, stimulate the production of skin matrix proteins in addition to collagen and elastin, down-regulate transcription factors responsible ECM proteins destruction and for adverse effects to skin cells and detect and repair DNA damage and last but not least, improve the water and barrier homeostasis. This requires a complex modulation of the biological functions not only within the thin, superficial epidermis but also in the deeper, dermal layer of the skin.

Acetyl Tripeptide-30 Citrulline is a synthetic peptide (known under the name Peptide AC29 with sequence Lys-α-Asp-Ile-Citrulline) that prevents the degradation of extracellular matrix components through the inhibition of MMP (metalloproteinase) enzymes.

Colostrum is the first "milk," or sometimes called pre-milk, a fluid produced after birth by every mammal (mother) in mammary glands during the first several days after birth. It provides a perfect combination of immune and growth factors, including immunoglobulins, lactoferrin and Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1), amino acids, and other vital nutrients.

The MDI Complex™ is a natural matrix metalloprotease inhibitor. It contains glycosaminoglycans and can help to control the appearance of signs of aging and maintain youthful-looking skin.

Collagen is one of the main components of the ECM (extracellular matrix) of the skin connective tissue and its concentration decreases with aging. The loss of collagen has two reasons reduction of the production and increased degradation.

For years, aging induced by sun exposure was called photoaging, attributed only to the UV spectrum of light. However, infrared rays and their heating bring a loss of elasticity and firmness, leading to the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Retinyl Propionate is an ester of retinol and propionic acid, one of the stable forms of vitamin A.