Glucosylrutin (α-glucosylrutin or AGR) is a radical scavenger with a strong antioxidant effect and a high skin bioavailability. It is a flavonoid used in dermatological preparation and cosmetic products.
UV radiation energy, particularly longwave UVA rays, initiates the formation of highly reactive free radicals (oxidants) in the skin, principally singlet oxygen. These free radicals cause lipid peroxidation and changes in DNA. Radical scavengers (antioxidants) combine with these free radicals, neutralising them.
Together with vitamin E, glucosylrutin forms a topical radical-scavenger complex that significantly reduces UV-induced oxidative stress on the skin. UPE (ultraweak photon emission) measurements with the chemiluminescence method for the evaluation of antioxidants confirm that alpha-glucosylrutin significantly neutralizes free radicals.
Clinical studies have shown that sunscreens containing α-glucosylrutin markedly reduce the symptoms of polymorphic light eruptions (PLE), which is caused, amongst other things, by the formation of free radicals. It exhibits photoprotective properties and is used in anti-aging applications.