Allyl Methacrylates Crosspolymer

Allyl Methacrylates Crosspolymer is a highly adsorptive polymer with the highest surface area and intruded volume of any ingredient in its class. It is a fine white powder insoluble in water. It is a multifunctional ingredient used in cosmetics and personal care products that acts as an ingredient-carrying agent, adsorber, controlled realize agent, thickenter, and emollient.

As a skin oil adsorber, Allyl Methacrylates Crosspolymer is used in pressed powders and eye shadows to control oil and provide longer-lasting color. It also adsorbs skin oil in foundations and makeup and keeps desired finishes true longer.

Allyl Methacrylates Crosspolymer can control the release of vitamins, AHAs, and other ingredients in skincare and makeup products. It is also helpful for the controlled release of fragrances in powders, antiperspirants, and other cosmetics/personal care products, as well as antimicrobials in antiperspirants, foot powders, and other applications.

Thanks to ingredient entrapment ability, Allyl Methacrylates Crosspolymer improves the stability of ingredients such as ascorbic acid and retinoids. It improves the physical stability of products and prevents syneresis in antiperspirants and sweating in lipsticks.

In addition, Allyl Methacrylates Crosspolymer improves dispersions of difficult-to-disperse or difficult-to-handle ingredients, enriches product cosmetic elegance and skin feel, and enhances salt tolerance of carbomer emulsions. It increases the viscosity of formulations and reduces irritation with entrapped skin sloughing agents.

Emulsion stabilizer
Viscosity controlling agent
Pigment dispersant
CAS Number(s)