LS’Entielles Volupté

Masking agent

Before being discovered by Europeans numerous indigenous peoples of the Amazon lived in the rainforest. Nowadays only a few tribes survive in their original culture, withdrawn from the world in the deepest heart of the Amazon forest. Continuing their ancestral ways of life, the natives express their sensuality freely, in a healthy, pure way, without a sense of taboo or guilt - a more recent heritage from the Christian religion -, like an echo of the original paradise.

Far from Puritanism and the notion of sin, they live in communities, passing long hours to beautify each other, massaging and decorating their almost naked bodies with paintings and magnificent, unique tattoos. Their faces and sometimes their entire bodies are covered with a network of asymmetric and sensual designs alternating with subtle geometric motifs: timeless patterns true to tradition, giving the woman a deliciously sensual and provocative quality... Sensuality in its purest form such as was lived by the people of the early days.

Native to Brazil, Schinus terebinthifolius, or Brazilian pepper tree is a plant traditionally used by the Amerindians as an astringent, stimulant, and invigorating agent. Although not a true pepper, the pink berries are also called ‘pink peppercorn’. They have a sweet fragrant taste that subsequently becomes spicy and even slightly peppery without a burning sensation. They are well known by perfumers for their use in the warm and sensual notes of fragrance compositions.

The active matter of LS’Entielles Volupté significantly increases the amount of dopamine released by neurons and has thus demonstrated a clear potential as an authorizing agent for the skin. By increasing the release of molecules of pleasure, Schinus Terebinthifolius Seed Oil provides the skin with a sensation of radiant well-being.


Brassica Campestris Seed Oil
Schinus Terebinthifolius Seed Oil