Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus) extract

Tanning agent
CAS Number(s)
EINECS number(s)

In the Middle Ages, monks used dried berries from Chaste trees. As a result, they probably experienced a sensation of well-being and happiness after consumption. Today, Monk's Pepper berries are used to treat PMS (premenstrual syndrome). A significant improvement in emotional balance and regulation of prolactin has been reported. In addition, new findings recently showed that beta-endorphins and opioid receptors are both present in skin cells and that beta-endorphins can accelerate skin regeneration and wound healing.

Revolutionary cosmetic science research has shown lately that beta-endorphins play an important role in the vitality and regeneration of the skin. These "Happy molecules" make the skin look luscious and visibly more radiant - a "happiness" you can see and feel.

Endorphins are small neuro-peptides mainly produced in the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. In connection with happy moments, the molecules bind to the opioid receptors in the brain, causing an analgesic effect and a sense of well-being. Chasteberry extract contains similar substances that attach to the opioid receptor, the so-called Phyto-endorphins. They are extracted from the berries of Monk's Pepper (Vitex agnus-castus), a large shrub growing in Mediterranean regions and Asia.

Chasteberry extract contains a phyto-endorphin with anti-oxidant and moisturizing effects. It makes the skin look more radiant. In addition, Vitex Agnus-Castus extract boosts melanin production and is used in sun care, protective, and self-tanning applications. It is also incorporated in the botanical complex MelanoBronze which acts as a tan inducer.

This ingredient was tested with 40 test persons on the inner sides of the forearm and the crow's feet. A cream containing 1% Vitex agnus-castus extract was applied twice daily for 28 days. Skin hydration, firmness, and wrinkle depth improved within four weeks.

Monk's Pepper extract
Chaste Tree Fruit

Ingredient products

Biologique Recherche