Marine extracts
Rich in essential ions like Zinc and Copper, marine natural ingredients perfectly enhance skincare formulations, improving cross-linking of dermal fibers, providing optimal hydration, and nourishing with vital elements. In addition, some algae contain high concentrations of carrageenans sulfured oligosaccharides that are similar to hyaluronic acid or other GAGs.
Carrageenans improve the water-binding ability of the skin, revealing a supple, smooth, and youthful surface. These beneficial oligosaccharides also stimulate the production of HA, providing volume, density, and elasticity.
Almost every marine extract is an excellent source of antioxidants, protecting cell membranes and genetic material from harmful influences like UV-induced damage or oxidative stress. These ingredients are youth elixirs made to preserve natural beauty, expose smooth surface, and healthy appearance.
Sargassum Fusiforme (Hijiki) is a brown algae that belongs to the Sargassaceae family and grows wild along the rocky coastlines of East Asia in China, Korea, and Japan. Hijiki is an edible seaweed with health promotion effects that has been used in culinary for centuries.
From the remote Pacific islands of North Western Canada, surrounded by the Pacific Ocean in this uninhabited wilderness among some of the world's roughest waterways, it is from this naturally guarded area that the treasured green/grey glacial clay is found in rare deposits marked under designatio
Bacteria, algae, and fungi have the ability to synthesize and secrete numerous extracellular polymeric substances (ECPS) into the environment, in response to environmental stress.
Spirulina Maxima is a blue-green algae that has recently become well-known as a food supplement and energy booster. It has even been used to treat high blood pressure, nervous tension, ulcers, and psoriasis and to relieve headaches, allergies, and arthritis pain.
Spirulina is an alga that is cultivated and harvested in special water farms (it is not a seaweed) in subtropical regions (Hawaii, California, Thailand, Taiwan, India, and China). The Spirulina algae can only prosper in highly alkaline water (pH-value of approx. 9 - 11).
The benefits of exfoliation are well known, but most of the methods used can cause irritation to the skin that is most sensitive.
Tensea-lift™ is a ready-to-use, marine-derived complex that can help protect the skin from environmental aggression with an instant tension effect.