Lime (Citrus Aurantifolia) juice has been used principally in manufacturing citric acid and is considered an anti-scorbutic. English ships are required by law to carry sufficient lime or lemon juice for every seaman to have an ounce daily after being at sea for ten days to prevent scurvy.
Citrus Aurantifolia juice is often used interchangeably with lemon juice for medicinal purposes. Both are considered varieties of citrus aurantifolia. The juice has been used to treat acute rheumatism and to counteract narcotic poisons, especially opium.
Citrus Aurantifolia Fruit Extract is also considered an astringent. The decoction has been used as a substitute for quinine in treating malaria and typhoid.
Citrus Aurantifolia Fruit Extract is a light to medium amber liquid with a characteristic odor. It is soluble in water in any proportion.Citrus Aurantifolia Fruit Extract is used in creams, gels, astringents, sunburn lotions, and hair care products.