Psoralea Corylifolia Fruit Extract

Tanning agent
Hair growth stimulator
Skin conditioning

This Chinese plant called Babchi (Psoralea Corylifolia) has been used effectively to treat severe psoriasis and vitiligo. Research determined that when Psoralea was used internally or externally with exposure to the sun or ultraviolet light, the skin produced new pigment locally.

Also, in a case study where injection of preparations of Psoralea, in conjunction with exposure to ultraviolet light, was used for 45 cases of alopecia, the hair returned entirely in 36% of the test subjects within six months, and there was a significant return in another 30%.

Psoralea Corylifolia Fruit Extract is a light to medium amber liquid with a characteristic odor. Psoralea fruit extrac can produce effective astringent and antibacterial action in skin creams and lotions.

Psoralea Corylifolia Fruit Extract can also be used in sunscreens, tanning products, and hair and scalp products, particularly those that promote the regrowth of hair lost due to alopecia. The recommended use level in skin and hair care products is  5 - 10%.
Cullen Corylifolium Fruit
Babchi Extract
Scuffy Pea Fruit Extract