Vital Hair & Scalp Complex

Hair growth stimulator
Penetration enhancer

The hair that decorates the top of most people’s heads is essentially a non-living entity that is comprised principally of keratin protein fibers embedded in an aqueous protein matrix. Yet, given that the visible portion of the hair is non-living, humans spend an inordinate amount of time modifying their hair fibers to support their social image. It is well known that as people age, their hair begins to thin as a result of hair loss and reduction in the active growing cycle, or anagen phase of hair growth. The subcutaneous fat layer of the scalp also thins and hair becomes more brittle.

The ability of the hair cortex to absorb melanin begins to diminish and the hair starts to lose its youthful color and shine. What most people do not typically realize is that much like their fingernails which are also non-living entities comprised of keratin, the hair grows from a vital portion of the skin called the follicle.

Unlike the hair fiber that is visible, the portion of the hair that resides below the scalp, in the follicle, is a beehive of cellular activity and life. The hair fiber originates at a terminal point called the hair bulb where living dermal papilla cells, close cousins to normal human dermal keratinocytes, grow, divide, and absorb melanin. In fact, the hair fiber is quite alive throughout the entire length of the hair follicle.

This leads to the possibility that topical treatment of the scalp hair with products designed to penetrate the oily (sebum) layers of the follicle should be able to deliver benefits to the growing hair. It seems reasonable to expect that if follicular health is improved or maintained, it would provide a direct correlation to healthier, thicker, younger hair. Vital Hair & Scalp Complex addresses many of the aspects of aging hair and scalp and has demonstrated efficacy in as little as 5 days. On a cellular level, the follicles are energized by trimethylglycine while a naturally derived peptide enhances the anchoring function of the follicle. Together with the protective qualities from the antioxidants present in Vital Hair & Scalp Complex, a smoother feeling, and stronger hair will be achieved.