Acetyl Cyclohexpeptide-34

Acetyl Cyclohexpeptide-34 is a synthetic lipopeptide that recognizes and acts selectively on adipocytes (fat cells) and is used in advanced complex X50® Silhouette as a targeting peptide (Cosmetic Drone® technology). It lessens the generation of new fat cells and activates fat-burning (lipolysis).

Inhibiting lipogenesis and adipogenesis, Acetyl Cyclohexpeptide-34 fights against cellulite, superficial fat, and orange peel appearance. In addition, it acts as an intelligent ligand that recognizes adipocytes, selectively bringing the capsule with other active ingredients to the site of action. It enhances complex effectiveness and allows for lower active concentrations.

Acting directly on adipocytes, Acetyl Cyclohexpeptide-34 reduces their proliferation and inhibits the accumulation of lipids by inhibiting their formation and eliminating those already existing.

Thanks to its high penetration and Acetyl Cyclohexpeptide-34's adipocyte selectivity, X50® Silhouette's visible effects - a 1% reduction in superficial fat and a 7% reduction in the orange peel- are achieved in just 8 weeks at deficient concentrations of the active ingredient (0.001% ).
X50® Silhouette