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Cellulite frequently affects women and occurs in particular areas of the body, such as hips, thighs, and abdomen, and is characterized by an uneven skin surface, popularly known as the "orange peel" appearance. The reason is the accumulation of fat that triggers local inflammation, causing water retention in the adipose tissue. This swelling leads to compression of blood vessels and distortions of connective tissue structures, pulling on the skin's surface and causing the lumpy appearance of cellulite.

Pro-Sveltyl® is a botanical complex that was developed to act on these mechanisms and combat cellulite. It has a draining and size-reducing effect. It is an ingredient rich in flavonoids extracted from the lotus flower, Nelumbo nucifera.

Pro-Sveltyl® has three different mechanisms of action. It reduces fat storage by activating lipolysis and inhibiting adipocyte differentiation through the action of SIRT-1. Stimulating the synthesis of adiponectin, it lessens inflammation in adipose tissue. In addition, this complex inhibits metalloproteinases (MMPs), preserving the fibrous architecture of tissues.

Incorporated in skin care applications, Pro-Sveltyl® reduces the appearance of cellulite and promotes the firmness and elasticity of the skin. In addition, it helps to reduce measurements in areas with a higher concentration of fat and reduce edema.

Pro-Sveltyl® is used in 1- 4% concentration in creams, lotions, and gels. It is stable in the pH range of 2 to 7.


Nelumbo Nucifera Leaf Extract