Plant extracts & derivatives

Plant extract aka botanical extract-based skin care products are one of the biggest trends in the beauty industry in recent years. Being naturally balanced and dense in active ingredients, botanical extracts are excellent fighters against skin aging and inflammation. 

Vitis Vinifera Fruit

Vitis Vinifera Fruit Meristem Cell Culture is an active ingredient from grape fruit stem cells. Activated stem cells of unripened grape fruit of specific cultivars overproduce bio-active principles including polyphenols and stilbenes, both in free and glycosylated forms.


Vitis Vinifera Seed Extract is a brownish to orange micro-granulated powder obtained from grape seeds, a byproduct of wine production.

Vitis Vinifera

Vitis Vinifera vine sap contains a balanced mix of nourishing compounds including sugars, amino acids, polyphenols, and minerals. It has a stimulating effect on the plant buds, but also revitalizes human skin cells providing energy, building blocks, and essential nutrients.

Juglans Regia
Walnut (Juglans Regia) Extract is a water-soluble, liquid extract obtained from walnut shells (seeds) that contains Juglone. This oxynaphthoquinone principle is reported to have a bronzing effect on the skin.
Wasabi Roots

Wasabia Japonica Root Extract is a water extract of horse radish. It is a super antioxidant, as it induces protective phase II detoxification enzymes.


Watercress (Nasturtium Officinale) was used to treat eye disorders, excess weight, bleeding gums, arthritis, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, kidney and liver disorders, and internal swelling. It is also considered an excellent wash for blemishes and freckles.

The fragrance of the watermelon is said to have a beneficial, enlightening, relaxing, balancing, and above all vitalizing effect. It is said to release happiness hormones in the body and thereby create a cheerful and exhilarant mood.
Triticum Vulgare
Wheat (Triticum Vulgare) germ extract is an aqueous liposome dispersion of a fraction containing lipids and carbohydrates, isolated from plants (cereals) and purified.
Tephrosia Purpurea
Wild Indigo seed extract suppresses cortisol (stress hormone) production up to 70% in dermal keratinocytes and stimulates beta‐endorphin and dopamine (well-being hormones), preserving skin homeostasis.

Soy sterols and phospholipids are skin conditioners that help to even out skin tone and blotchiness.

A multi-functional ingredient, providing gentle exfoliation for more radiant skin. Willow Bark extract helps reduce acne and excess oil, signs of aging, and the appearance of wrinkles refines pores. In addition, it minimizes pores.
Witch Hazel
A rich botanical extract, Witch Hazel is powerfully antioxidant and anti-acneic. The extracts acts as a barrier, guarding skin against free radical damage and irritants that enter skin cells and result in sensitivity and pigmentation problems.
Hamamelis Virginiana

Witch Hazel (Hamamelis Virginiana) Water is produced from branches harvested in the autumn, which are cut to the ground, but resprout, producing a new harvest in a few years. Portable chippers allow for on-site processing.

Smallanthus sonchifolius - Yacon

Yacon (old name: Polymnia sonchifolia; the current name: Smallanthus sonchifolius) is a sunflower family member from mountainous regions of South America.

Achilles Mille folium
Yarrow extract contains flavonoids that encourage circulation, lower blood pressure, and help stop bleeding. In addition, thanks to significant antioxidant action, flavonoids protect dermal cells membranes and DNA from free radicals and oxidative stress, preserving natural youth and vitality.
Cananga Odorota
Ylang Ylang is known to have a wonderfully balancing and stimulating effect on the skin. It is said to assist with correcting sebum production by controlling the secretion of sebum on the skin. It’s ideal for both oily and dry skins.
Yucca glauca

Yucca glauca is a bluish, green perennial found in the Mid and Western US. The leaves of the plant are long and stiff with a sword-like appearance. The plant can grow anywhere from two to four feet in height.


At one time, Yucca (Yucca Schidigera) was considered a potential source of phytosterols, a family of plant substances used to manufacture steroidal hormones.

Ginger root

Zingiber Officinale Root Extract is a highly concentrated extract of Ginger root that can temporarily increase peripheral blood flow.


Ziziphus Jujuba Fruit Extract is a microwave extract from the Jujube.